Our Programs
Pillar I - Advocacy And Social Mobilization (Opportunity Fund)
Pillar II - Economic Empowerment For Sustainable Livelihood (Aadhar)
Pillar III - Sustainable Peace For Human Rights And Justice (Chhahari)
Pillar IV- Local Governance And Institutional Development
Pillar V- Regional and International Networking
Our Publications
International Conference on Widowhood
Astitwa - A Semiannual Magazine - Nepali
Barriers to sexual and reproductive health care among widows in Nepal
Quarterly Newsletter - issue 14
WHR Brochure
Single Women Security Fund Running Guideline
WHR Brochure
Case Studies
Overcoming Hurdles
December 3rd, 2012
Tulsa Acharya from Rolpa, had to take on the responsibilities of both a father and a mother after the death of her husband. But it didn’t stop her from getting an education. She started attending a night school for adults.
Now at the age of 48, she has successfully passed her SLC with 2nd division. She walked 4 days from her village just to get to the nearest examination centre.
She said “if you are uneducated you have very few opportunities. If you can read and write people treat you with respect.”
Tulsa had to overcome many hurdles and challenges to get her certificate. She has proven that if you have the desire, the will, to get to your goal nothing can stop you. She has already made plans for further studies.