The Strategic Approach of WHR
WHR’s strategic plan (2019-2023) focuses on five themes.
This strategic theme further focuses on the education of single women and their children. As per the 2011 National Census Report, only 11.01 percent of single women in the country are literate. Thus, WHR, since its inception phase, has introduced various interventions in order to achieve the goal of educating single women and their children.
In 2012, Johns Hopkins University in the USA, in close collaboration with the WHR Center office, conducted research on single women and their mental health. The main objective of the research was to investigate how the social status of high-caste Nepali widows of reproductive age impacts their sexual and reproductive healthcare. The results revealed that such single women are prone to mental trauma and various health problems, resulting in psychological disorders and depression. Based on the findings of the research, this strategic plan aims to reduce the overall stress of single women, produce single women paraprofessionals, increase their skills to improve relationships, and raise awareness of sexual health.