Prevention, Protection and Participation (Theme III)

The Strategic Approach of WHR

WHR’s strategic plan (2019-2023) focuses on five themes.

Violence against women perpetuates their subordination and is also the consequence of their subordination. The scenario is much worse when it comes to Nepali women, especially if they are widowed.
Widows in the country are prone to different forms of violence, such as sexual harassment, rape, verbal and physical abuse, early marriage, and so on. The deep-rooted orthodox cultural practices of gender discrimination and patriarchy are the main culprits behind all these forms of violence against single women in the country.

Single women in Nepal continue to be excluded from the progress made in the global human rights instruments and services aimed at women’s rights and empowerment, for instance, despite the ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), consensus on the Beijing Platform for Action, widespread support for the elimination of violence against women, and the endorsement of UNSCR 1325 and 1820 by the international community.

This strategic theme, thus, focuses on eliminating all forms of discrimination and violence against single women and their children by giving due priority to solving legal problems faced by single women via legal education, advocacy, and referral. The theme also focuses on conducting self-defense classes for young girls and women to enable them to defend themselves in dangerous situations, which also helps them develop their confidence and self-esteem.