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Women For Human Rights, single women group (WHR) is a non-governmental organization, established in 1995, with the aim of fighting for the socio-cultural, economic and political rights of single women of Nepal. WHR strives to create a just and equitable society where there will be “no discrimination on the basis of marital status”.

WHR has been a pioneer in addressing single women's issues and has worked in the area of socio-cultural, economic, legal and political empowerment of single women.

As a humanitarian organization, WHR is dedicated to creating an active network of single women on a regional, national and international level. By working exclusively with and for them, WHR is dedicated to addressing the rights of single women and creating an impartial society where their lives are strengthened and empowered.


Single women all over Nepal gain economic independence and are socially accepted with dignity and respect.


Work towards economic empowerment of single women for poverty reduction and facilitate and assist for the rights of single women entrepreneurs and home based single women workers.


FollowWHR Campaigns

Red Color Movement
In Nepali society, it is expected that a widow maintain a somber demeanor and live somewhat like an outcast for the rest of her life after her husband’s passing. Widows are not allowed to wear makeup.
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Red Tika Movement
The ‘Red Tika Challenge’ took off on Nepal’s social media in 2017, where participants posted pictures of themselves in red apparel to stand in solidarity with widows, who are not “allowed” by the Nepalese.
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Legal re- formation
WHR recognizes the important role of law and justice in accomplishing any social reforms and has thus successfully changed many discriminatory laws against single women in Nepal over the years.
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At Grassroots Level

WHR organizes single women in the VDCs and ward levels in a group. These groups are trained in areas such as savings and credit, advocacy, and Income Generating Activities (IGA). These groups have social mobilizers giving training classes to single female members. The single-women groups engage in various campaigns at the local level to organize single women in groups "believing groups are strengthened".

At District level

After the formation of single-women groups in the VDCs and wards, the executive committee of the single-women district committee is formed. The executive committee consists of single-women representatives from the single-women groups, who are then responsible for training and informing other women in the district. At the district level, the single-women groups work in close coordination with local-level bodies and local stakeholders.

At Regional Level

Each regional network is responsible for coordinating with the districts and monitoring the functions of the districts within that region. The regional level functions as the mediator between districts and the central level.

At International Level

WHR has an ever-expanding network. In order to address the issues of the rights of single women at a global level, WHR has been taking the initiative of establishing WHR International Chapters in different countries.

At South Asian Regional Level

WHR also functions as the secretariat of the South Asian Network for Widows’ Empowerment in Development (SANWED). The active organizations in the South Asian Region working on the issues of widowhood are the network members. Through this network, the issues of widows in South Asia and the global region are being lobbied and advocated to SAARC and the international committee.Click here to learn more about SANWED.

At National Level

WHR at the National level works in close coordination with the Nepal governmental agencies and bodies along with the civil society organizations, international NGOs and media for mainstreaming single women in the development.

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