Women for Human Rights, a single women group (WHR) is implementing the Peace Project “People’s Participation in Social Harmony in Nepal”. WHR with the support of Peace Project is construct a memorial space through art installation at WHR premise to acknowledge the pain and sufferings of conflict affected women. The EOI is seeking an experienced and suitable art consultants to install art work.
Interested firm or consultants are invited to submit the concept with detail budgets, timeline and CVs of team and letter of interest along with profile of firm (registration renewal, latest tax clearance, PAN, latest audit report, tax exemption, and other related documents.). The deadline for the submission of the Eol is 30 October, 2023. If you have any queries on EOI, please mail us at hr_mail@whr.org.np .
The submission of quotation should be send in a sealed envelope along with all the required documents
with a cover letter mentioning “Eol for Art Installation at WHR premise” to the following address:
Women for Human Rights, single women group (WHR)
Budhanilkantha -7, Hattigauda, Kathmandu, Nepal